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Found 39 results for any of the keywords the ellerbrake group. Time 0.009 seconds.
No TitleWelcome to Ellerbrake Group, LLC powered by KW Pinnacle. We are your Realtor O Fallon IL ready to help you buy and sell your next home!
:: Lead Based Paint Disclosure IllinoisLead Based Paint Disclosure Illinois Information. Lead-based Paint can be a serious health hazard, especially for young children and pregnant women.
:: Home InsuranceHome Insurance When purchasing a home, you will need to acquire homeowners insurance. In fact, all lenders will require a policy be in force prior to funding the loan. Make sure you have enough coverage, should anything
:: Home Heating SourcesHome Heating Sources Heating and cooling systems are some of the most important investments you ll ever make in your home. Heating and cooling accounts for 44% of your home s energy use. Various systems include electric,
:: Asbestos ConcernsAsbestos Concerns Many sales agreements mention asbestos by saying the buyer is aware asbestos may be used in the construction of this home. This can be a little unsettling. Asbestos is a known carcinogen, and when exp
:: Plumbing AlertPlumbing Alert You will spot several different types of plumbing systems in any housing market, including our own. Copper, galvanized, rigid plastic, polybutylene, and soft plastic are but a few. Certain systems are more
:: SidingSiding When you are checking out homes, there are several items in our market you need to be aware of - including man-made siding. A lot has been said about L.P.( Louisiana Pacific) OSB (Oriented Strand Board) products,
:: Thinking of Stucco?Thinking of Stucco? Many newer homes are now being sided with artificial stucco siding, or EIFS (Exterior Insulation Finishing Systems). This is essentially polystyrene foam with a base coat, reinforcement mesh, then ano
:: Insulation R ValuesInsulation R Values The most important thing to be aware of with insulation, other than the safety issues of urea formaldehyde and asbestos (covered elsewhere), is the R value, or the insulating factor. The higher the
:: PropertiesOur commitment to you is to guide and protect you through the process of conducting a real estate transaction. From negotiations, to inspections, to closing, we will have your back.
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